Monday, November 23, 2020

Here is Why RO Systems Must Use A Multi-Layer Alkaline Component

Reverse osmosis systems, by virtue of the process, create a water below 7.0 so it is acidic. The answer is to remineralize and adjust the pH to at
least a neutral level, but more beneficially to an alkaline result. The
best RO systems that accomplish can use a natural process in the final
stages to achieve pH anywhere from 7.5 to 10.5.

Premium Alkaline Filter remineralizes the water after passing through reverses osmosis.

I personally prefer water that is slightly alkaline for my family - pH 7.5 - 8.5. The most alkaline water I would drink is 9.5, but never on a regular basis. Many health experts tout 9.5 - 10.5 pH, but I can’t find science enough to convince me to go that far away from neutral, especially on a daily basis.

Here is what they look like inside a case.

UPDATE: Reverse osmosis drinking water systems can be re-mineralized. Rick Allen uses a re-mineralizer on own home drinking water system and says it works wonderfully.

Overall look at the Pure Elements Water system. 1:30 starts the RO segment of the video

A lot of clients come to me referred by their health centers and
health experts. These experts are saying we need to get away from using reverse osmosis in our drinking water. And one of the reasons they are saying this is because reverse osmosis systems help create an acidic water PH.

Experts feel that because cancer and disease tend to thrive in acidic environments, it would be better for us to refrain
from drinking acidic water.

Secondarily we need to keep the beneficial mineral content in our
water. Reverse osmosis often strips better than 90% of the minerals from the water it produces.

Remineralizer installed under sink in Orange County CA

And thirdly from an environmentally stand point, reverse osmosis
wastes a lot of water in order to create a small amount of filtered
water. We end up creating additional wasted water every time we get a glass of RO filtered water.

There is a much better system to use than reverse osmosis when it comes to treating and conditioning the water we drink and bathe in. RO is not practical for those applications.

Orange County CA

The post Here is Why RO Systems Must Use A Multi-Layer Alkaline Component appeared first on Pure Elements Water "Custom Whole House Water Filters".

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